Dynamic Hypnosis

Dynamic Hypnosis re-connect to the source of the problem: whether an event, a person, or an emotional upset, and free the person from this perverse dynamic by bringing light to consciousness through an internal negotiation between the emotional and the logical instance.

Dynamic Hypnosis is based on Non Verbal Communication.

Non Verbal Communication (NVC) is the study of the body’s tensional discharges an instinctive movements that occur during a dialogue or a normal human interaction. It can be seen as the behaviour we assume in particular situations, our reaction when we are emotionally involved or when we experience tension. The fact is that our body moves continuously even if we are not aware of it, and it will do so according to our genetic characteristic; to our liking and/or rejection mechanism; to our beliefs; our values and our principles.

The body speaks its language; ancestral, primitive, full of emotions and tensions.

We are not always aware of this condition and when we are, we often try to hide it (mainly unconsciously) in order to place ourselves in the appropriate way required by the situation we are experiencing. NVC is also defined as “Soft Skills”, which is, that added value in human relationships; the ability to create rapport, empathy, generate trust and motivation. The ability to interact, to communicate effectively by entering the world of the interlocutor and creating quality and well being.

Hypnosis is a psychosomatic phenomenon and is a natural condition in which many resources and potential can be reactivated. Regardless of the purpose, hypnosis regenerates body and soul, and positively act on the immune system.

Since hypnosis is a natural condition, it is clear that we live hypnotised; this is because our brain doesn’t recognise an experience actually lived from a vividly imagined one.

Because of this characteristic of our mind we tend to interpret and project our inner sensations in the situation that we are living in the present. The problem arise when we project fears or blockages that prevent us to reach our goals, to conquer our dreams, and forces us to live in a condition of suffering. In that case we are hypnotised by our upset and we will be living in a nightmare. Our mind determines the quality of what we are experiencing.

Dynamic Hypnosis re-connect to the source of the problem: whether an event, a person, or an emotional upset, and free the person from this perverse dynamic by bringing light to consciousness through an internal negotiation between the emotional and the logical instance.

The person will see the upset evaporates like water in the sun and will rediscover the dimension of inner peace, self-confidence, will power and motivation in achieving the goals.

The emotional upset is at the base of all human problems. I can safely say: “People are not sick, they are unhappy”.

Since it is our emotions that govern our choices, if we are not emotionally well we will end up making the wrong choices and eventually the consequences will be physical; somatisation. Since everything originates and ends in the body.

The body is at the same time energy, emotions and matter. It’s the roots of our consciousness, it is spiritual, it is our life and generates life.

The physical part of the body is connected to the planet and follow its laws, regardless of the culture we are in, or if someone lives in the present time or had lived thousands of years ago or will live in the future; the body continue to function according to the same eternal laws.

The unconscious mind, or inner child, in fact only cares for love, freedom and expression. The unconscious mind and the conscious mind are the two aspects of the same thing. Unconscious and conscious mind cooperate together; we can refer to them in technical terms as: long term memory (LTM) and short term memory (STM).

We only are aware of the things that are present in our short term memory, whereas in the long term memory we store more complex processes; like the language, driving the car, performing a dance, playing an instrument and all those processes that we do without thinking since we have once learned them. For example, opening a door or tie our shoes; we don’t think how to do these acts because we had spent time when we were little to learn them. Once we have learned something we store it in the long term memory, or unconscious mind, and we will use it automatically without having to think about it: we have learned the process and it doesn’t have to be done by us anymore.

The long term memory or unconscious mind is always present and processes 40.000 bytes of information per second, while the short term memory only processes from 5 to 9 bytes of information per second. It is quite clear now that we cannot be aware of what is contained in the LTM.

Our life is governed by the unconscious mind by more than 90%. In fact we cannot even park our car with the logical mind: in order to do this action we would need to step out of the car, measure the parking space and drive into it. While instead we do it with our senses trusting completely our unconscious mind. We do this all the time in every aspect of our life.

The unconscious mind or LTM expresses itself through the body language or non verbal communication (NVC). Analysing this language we can understand in real time how a person feels, what a person thinks about a particular topic, where a person experiences tensions, emotions, or emotional blocks.

During the Dynamic Hypnosis session the person will regenerate the event where the original conflict happened for the first time and that is now analogically replaying in the present in a different setting; therefore unseen from the logical mind.

The person will then undergo in a regression moment; the key that opens the file. Under the supervision of the therapist in this activation moment it will be possible trough the client’s logical mind to investigate the truth of that particular episode, to see what the incident has generated with so strong emotions that the person still bears the consequences in the present. To become aware in which area it has created an impairment; if it has been justified or not; if it has been over zealous thus resulting in a conflict with oneself “the wicked pact”; or other dynamics that may come to the surface and eventually will be treated with Analogical Psychology according to the case.

It is Important to say that the receiver is fully awake and aware during the process and will experience a deep intrapsychic communication, will discover things, unravel situations, understand interpretation as never imagined before.

The session is carried out in a standing position for the induction and the communication with the unconscious mind; and sitting for the regression and the reworking phase.