
“I am devoted to everything that improves life, the love for the body and the understanding of the mystery of life in every aspect”.

I have been working as a body-mind therapist for more than 25 years and I have come to the conclusion that people are not ill; they are unhappy.

That’s why I created a Method in which life and wellbeing are taken into consideration more than the “illness”, which is just a result of wrong choices, upset feelings, and beliefs that work against personal freedom and love.

I like teaching and I am fascinated by:


  • Oriental Philosophy.
  • The Power of the Unconscious Mind.
  • Chinese Medicine.
  • Martial Art and Yoga.

I like to travel and I have lived in different countries to taste life’s diversity.

I love to explore cultures and the art of living. I have lived in Switzerland, Thailand, India, Sry Lanka, Nepal, Australia, Italy, England and visited many other countries across Europe and Latin America.

I am now living in Costa Rica. “Pura Vida”

During these 25 years, I have written 4 books, related to the project “The Method World”.

  • The Passenger
  • Do I dream or am I awake?
  • TCM and Shiatsu
  • The Book of Analogies

These 4 books reflect the beautiful teachings I have received and the passion to write has allowed me to see the world with eyes full of love.

Now is the time to share with you.

The Passenger by Glauco Donati

Frequently Asked Questions

Holistic means that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, so an holistic therapist can see the whole picture and not just a part of if. Holistic therapy is good for everyone and does not exclude other therapies that may come into play as complementary therapies.

It will be arranged from time to time according to the need, time and distance.

For now I am in magical Costa Rica.

Pura Vida!

The dynamic hypnosis is counterintuitive. It frees the recipient from being hypnotised by his/her discomfort. The session is carried out by a combination of Dynamic Hypnosis, Non-Verbal Communication, Symbolism and Psychology. The recipient is fully awake and aware. The session is a deep intrapsychic communication that focuses on the source of the problem. It regenerates the event that have created the compulsive repetition pattern that is unconsciously replayed in the present.

The person will restore dissociation and reduce tension, fears, emotional and behavioural disturbances, blocks, complexes, dependencies and will feel worthy and free.

Shiatsu massage, in this case the Methsu massage, is very effective to realign the body and resolve pains and discomfort from the body joints and organs. It restores the body to its original functions.


There is only one recommendation for receiving a good bodywork and is that of wearing loose and comfortable clothes. Preferrably cotton.

For hypnotherapy nothing is required.

I will be teaching this course in various areas: Dominical, Uvita, Las Tumbas, etc. In Costa Rica.

If you want to know more about my books, online courses, workshops or if you want to work together, contact me!