Emotional system – Dynamic Hypnosis

25 lessons – 6h per lesson – Total: 150h

Unveil the mystery of the unconscious mind 

Theory and practice


What will you get?

You will discover the laws of the unconscious mind and its application in daily and professional life. You will see how the emotions relate to the body through the Non-Verbal-Communication and you will be able to detect coherence with the logical language spoken by the subject. You will be able to interact at a subliminal level in communication with people and also to feel, manage and eventually change your own negative emotions and patterns of behaviour. You will be able to spot manipulation and to flow freely towards your goals. You will also achieve the tools to perform Dynamic Hypnosis and negotiation with the unconscious mind as a professional.

Who is it for?

This course is for all who want to expand consciousness. For all who want help others to gain freedom and love. For you, to connect with yourself and others in a positive way. For who want to become an expert of the laws of the unconscious mind and become a professional or a trainer. 



The unconscious mind is formed by:

Emotivity, seals, blockages, complexes, NVC, ideal reality & real reality, NVC channels, symbolism, freedom-love-expression, dream, consciousness, the 5 contrasting points, logical mind, parental models, emotional typology, soft skills, value, belief, ethical code.


Problem of freedom

Parents – complexis

-love freedom and expression  – parents dominant thinking, fear of parental emulation, parental prophecy, lack of will power

Complex of rejection – complex of negative comparison – complex of conditioning –


Problem of dream:

The world , others, impediment anf failure. Demotivation and apathy.

Sense of guilt – fear of emotional abandon / lack of self esteem – fear of other people’s negative judgement


Problem of consciousness:

Oneself, self attributions, seals of the consciousness – thought switching, dissociation, split. Fear and obsessive thinking: paranoia, institutional ethical code vs personal ethical code and sustainable motivation, failure.

Anger – rancour – remorse – demerit for incapacity – unworthiness (indignity)


Not negotiable principle of the individual: freedom-love-expression / dreams / consciousness.


The difference between what we are (to be )/ the difference between what we have (to have) – the unconscious dichotomy and contrasting energy generator


Emotivity vs logic


The 4 channels of non verbal communication; proxemic, kinesics, paralinguistic, digital.


The symbol


Anxiety and emotional tension


Emotional body discharges; the NVC.( book)


The  symbols; pole, circle, triangle


Simmetric and complementar communication


Emotional typology: parental (base) – ego.


Symbolic communication


The genesis of the conflictual typology


The Upset


Base typology




Ego typology


The practice of dynamic hypnosis



Lesson 1

What is the unconscious? The 5 contrasting points. How do we store pieces of information? The importance of fears.  – dynamic hypnosis practice.


Lesson 2

The problem of freedom/dream/consciousness.  – dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 3

The contrast and dichotomy of the typology to be and to have.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 4

Emotivity vs logic.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 5

The 4 channels of nvc.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 6

The symbol.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 7

Anxiety and emotional tension.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 8

The body tensional discharge nvc. Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 9

The body tensional discharges nvc. Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 10

The symbols pole circle triangle. Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 11

The symbols pole circle triangle. Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 12

Symmetric and complementary communication.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 13

Emotional typology,  base and ego.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 14

Emotional typology; base and ego.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 15

Symbolic communication. Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 16

Genesis of conflictual typology.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 17

The upset.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 18

Communicational symbolism .  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 19

Ego typology.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 20

Ego typology.  Dynamic hypnosis practice


Lesson 21

Forum, review, Q&A, collecting topics to review for next lesson, (thesis on a free topic min.8000words/max.10000 words, to be done by lesson 24). Practise


Lesson 22

Clarification of topics brought up in the previous lesson.  Practice


Lesson 23

Supervised practice NVC/hypnosis and feedback.


Lesson 24

Supervised practise NVC/hypnosis, feedback, Q&A. Written test 2hrs. 

Lesson 25

Text and thesis results, introduction to client, warnings, ethical code of conduct. Delivery of diplomas.

The problem of freedom/dream/consciousness. – dynamic hypnosis practice