Harmony Of Movements (HOM)

HOM is listening where the energy is in the body, and never oppose to it, but to go with it, and drive it towards our goal following our intention. It results in a smooth and effortless movements able to allow expression and harmony.

Harmony Of Movement (HOM), is the union of Yoga and Aikido Martial Art which allow us to gain flexibility and conscious movements, bringing freedom, expression and well-being in our body.

This is a practical course, performed in a Shala Yoga room. It considers Yoga to enhance flexibility deep connection with the body.

It will teach the basic movements of Aikido without going into the martial aspect.

With the Aikido based practice, working in couple, it is possible to flow within our body with our mind and to connect with the part that we want to use regardless of what the partner is doing.

We will learn to move our body in its entireness.

We will learn to act according to our will, and not reacting to the external force given from the partner. We will understand how our brain in certain situation allows the movement of the body whereas the mind is trying to stop it and to control the movement through reaction.

We will be able to move the body with intelligence and not by using strength.

We will enjoy the easy way of moving through emptiness without fighting in the fullness.

HOM is counterintuitive and requires a bit of practice and concentration to gain the skills and set them permanently.

HOM is listening where the energy is in the body, and never oppose to it, but to go with it, and drive it towards our goal following our intention.

We will learn the strategy of movement that follows the intention, and the self confidence necessary to reduce the fears; this altogether will result in a smooth and effortless movements able to allow expression and harmony.

The ultimate goal of HOM is the healthy body.